Roundtable – City as Commons


Exhibitions & Events

‘Common good-oriented urban and real estate development’ is a field as broad and diffuse in goals and practices as the debate about the ‘common good’ itself.

We invited five guests who are involved in the institutionalisation of planning practices oriented towards the common good in intermediary positions and changing roles. They all work in research and practice, administrative institutions and activism. At the round table, we want to discuss their different perspectives on the ‘city as common good’ and their understanding of ‘common good-oriented real estate development’ and possible fields of action.

How are initiatives and future users involved in urban development? What are the potentials and problems in the cooperation between the district and civil society? What influence do (scarce) resources, heterogeneous actors and changing instruments have? How can or must we constantly question supposed economic or political constraints by referring back to common good and commons research? And what concept of the common good do we actually share in relation to the city?


Dagmar Pelger (architect, researcher and urban designer)

is guest lecturer for Urban Design at UdK Berlin. She focusses in her research on Spatial Commons and Mapping. Since 2017 she is part of coopdisco, an architecture and planning cooperative engaged in common good oriented urban development.

Roberta Burghardt (architect, researcher and urban designer)

She has been designing spaces for collective models of living. Roberta has been writing on the relationship between architecture and politics and has been involved in various urban political projects, most recently the Rathausblock in Kreuzberg. She co-founded the cooperative coopdisco that is engaged for urban development as a common good.

Mathias Heyden (architect, researcher and former squatter) 

Parallel to his projects in terms of the city as a commons and subsequent community based design works, Mathias Heyden is an administrator at city-hall Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, while taking care of strengthening the means of citizen participation towards a new-municipalist city-development.

Magnus Hengge (communication designer and participation moderator) 

Coordinates the processes for initiating cooperative neighborhood projects for the district authority in Berlin’s Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and is member of the initiative Bizim Kiez.

Konrad Braun (architect, researcher and urban designer)

Coordinates the processes for initiating cooperative neighborhood projects for the district authority in Berlin’s Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and as the collaborative practice hidden stadtstattstrand he is co-author of the Glossary for a Common Good Oriented Urban Development.

Di, 31.05., 18 Uhr, Forum IfA

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Meeting-ID: 677 7889 3282

Kenncode: 269339