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    Berlin Brandenburg 2040: IN TOUCH

    course description


    Introductory presentation: Thursday 29.10.2020 | 14:00 – 16:00 physical (Forum)/online

    The first semester of the Urban Design Studio will investigate the potential of infrastructure networks to connect the city‘s cores with its hinterland and beyond – case in point Berlin and Bran- denburg. Infrastructures both create connections and establish territories, but also cut and disrupt landscapes.

    Travelling to sites and surveying locations, we will investigate current and future infrastructures as well as infrastructures that have become obsolete and remain as ruins in the metropolitan landscape. Trailing urban transformations occurring along the in- tersections of various infrastructures, we will endeavor to inves- tigate their pasts, qualify the present and analyze the potential of the intersections in order to speculate on their roles in the future.

    Our present, shaped by the global pandemic or climate change induced droughts and heat waves, brings the grave challenges to an already highly complex urban system to the fore. In order to make a future living in Berlin-Brandenburg inclusive, equitable and ecologically sustainable – values we hold dear – will require a number of vital systemic changes and infrastructural turns.

    Students will work in interdisciplinary groups exploring a varie- ty of infrastructure along specific routes. We will use speculative scenario building and for- and back-casting techniques to explore what changes and interventions in the near future should be initi- ated to bring about necessary change. Students will then develop tenders and design briefings as a basis for a comprehensive plan- ning proposal.

    The Studio will be held both online and physical. Excursions are planned.
    For current information please check the Webstites of CUD, Habitat Unit or TU Urban Design Master.

    Teaching: WM David Bauer, WM Veljko Markovic, LA Andrijana Ivanda

    Image: CUD

    Berlin XX XL* [Studio]

    Course Description


    Urban Design Studio

    In the context of the forthcoming 2020 centenary of Greater-Berlin the studio will look at the city’s past (built, unbuild, destroyed, forgotten) and present (contested, procrastinating, path-dependent) to speculate on its future (socially and ecologically aware, sustainable, beautiful). Based on the study of current transformation drivers as well as local/global tendencies students will use an imagined Berlin placed in the years 2040/2070 as a laboratory for scenario building through speculative design approaches. Revisiting the bold move that unified eight independent cities, 59 rural communities and 27 estates within a single legislative act in 1919, the studio will rethink administrative boundaries, spatial constellations, infrastructures and resource flows from Mitte to the Hinterlands.

    Divergent scenarios will be developed with help of external experts on topics ranging from transformation design, climate change, resource and food security, energy, age or housing – combining research with speculative design in a playful manner. The studio will participate in the open urban design competition “100 years of (greater) Berlin International Urban Design Ideas Competition Berlin-Brandenburg 2070”.

    * Roman numereals “20 40” I Generic Sizes “Superlarge”


    Neugestaltung Innenstadt Lychen – results of the open competition


    Students Ruslan Abildinov, Simin Yan, Jun Wen and Chi Zhang win 3rd Prize in the open competition running parallel to the studio The D-Zone. The project proposes to augment an existing touristic route within the city of Lychen (Uckermark), with new cultural institutions and resting/meeting spaces.

    The competition called for an overall vision regarding the future of Lychen’s city center, as well as precise solutions for three specific parcels, surrounding the town hall.

    The jury met on August, 26th, 2019.

    It delivered an honorable mention to another student group of the studio The D-Zone, constituted of Sina Wendl, Karola Schaefermeier, Johanna Grau and Cornelius Menzel.for their project ”D > Desire”.

    All competition entries will be on display near Lychen’s town hall (exhibition space in Stargarderstrasse 22; Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00-17:00), from 28.09.2019- 26.10.2019. The opening of the exhibition will take place on 26.09.2019 at 10:00.

    CUD wishes to congratulate the awarded students as well as the other three student groups from the studio The D-Zone who submitted an entry in the open competition.

    The D-Zone [Studio]

    Aufgabe 0


    Arcadia, here we come. We the freelancers, the yuppies, the dreamers from Berlin looking for the most perfect new setting, outside the city. We will just take our laptops with us, direction: countryside. Place: Lychen, Uckermark – 7 lakes and an old village. Here, some 80 km north of Berlin, the arrival of tourists and city creatives has recently shifted the urban dynamics from shrinking to boom. As the new crowd is joining (at least during the week-ends), conflicts arise: how to control/channel the urban development, currently driven by private forces? How to activate the empty city center for young and old; daily, weekly, monthly, yearly residents; Lycheners and Berliners? How to augment the experience of the landscape – its ecology, its uses, its solidarities – not to forget its performance as pure fantasy (i.e. to augment its profoundly metropolitan nature)? The design studio takes on an open competition, launched by the city of Lychen & the Architektenkammer Brandenburg (Timeframe: 01.04 to 18.07.19, Preisgeld 20.000€). We will look for sharp, bizarre, beautiful proposals for the activation of the city-center of Lychen and some of its landmarks, up the lake(s). Moreover we aim at constituting a collective task-force to reflect on Berlin’s past, current and future borders, to question new urban exile trends and to sustain possibilities of more intense living.