Spatial Commons (15) - Berlin, where do we stand?

Conference on the current development of new housing construction in Berlin


Who builds for whom? Who is skimming off the top? Who bears the profits and losses of Berlin‘s current new building development? And what is our role as planners to influence this? How can we exchange what we produce at the university with the city?

Parallel to the design and research work of the studio „Berlin, where do we stand?“ we want to conceive and organize a transdisciplinary conference on Berlin‘s current new building development in the seminar. In the context of the conference, the results of the cooperation around the studio „Berlin, where do we stand?“ will be presented to a larger public (professionals and political), qualities of a planning oriented towards the common good will be revealed, and questions and approaches to solutions of implementation will be discussed.

In the conception of the conference it is a matter of naming and addressing important urban political and professional actors, of conceiving formats and topic clusters that advance the exchange between politics, administration and planners, as well as of documenting the jointly produced knowledge and thinking about suitable formats of communication.

The seminar will be held accompanying the Studio „Spatial Commons (15) – Berlin, where do we stand?“ but attendance of the studio is not obligatory for participation in the seminar.

Team CUD: Prof. Jörg Stollmann, Roberta Burghardt, Anna Heilgemeir, Julia Köpper

First session: 25.11. 10h A808

Introduction: 13.10. 14h Online


Meeting-ID: 662 5269 9176
Kenncode: 819750

Enrollment: MOSES Modul #60491: Aspekte zeitgenössischer Stadtentwicklungspolitik