
the urban designer: expert or universalist?


Workshop | Please join us on thursday, 11 february 2021 at 6 – 7:30 pm on Zoom

When concerned with today’s urban challenges, what are the demands and expectations posed at urban design teaching and practice? Taking the interdisciplinary teaching research studio “residing in the hidden” as a reference point, we want to discuss with students and lecturers interested in urban design: What wishes and expectations for interdisciplinarity do students of urban design have for their teaching programme? How do they conceive of their own role: expert in an interdisciplinary team or interdisciplinary universalist?

For further information on the project please check out our german publication with english abstract “residing in the hidden”
(with Finya Eichhorst, Anne Gunia, Dariya Kryshen, Farina Runge, Alina Schütze, Lisa Wagner, Jonas Wulf, Martina Löw and Jörg Stollmann):

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“Ausklang” with pretzels & beer.

Best regards,

Emily Kelling and Dagmar Pelger

Planungs- und Architektursoziologie / Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization / with the support of SFB 1265 “Re-Figuration of Spaces”
TU Berlin