Nature, Space and Biopolitics

Understanding the changing conversation regime in planetary urbanism


lt has almost become trite to rehearse, as many int­roductions do, the extreme crisis that human and en­vironrnent relations face today. Especially in discour­ses on the Anthropocene and nature conservation, it is common knowledge that exploitation of natural re­sources has led to a destabilising climate. Or, that the mass extinction of nonhuman species can be traced to planetary processes of urbanisation. Arguably, we have become saturated in these abstractions to the poi nt that repeating them runs the risk of desensitizing us to the challenges ahead. So, in this research seminar lefs together ask another question, one that takes se­riously the politics, practices, technologies, and power involved in governing this human-environment crisis and ask: in what ways are the interactions between hu­mans and nonhumans regulated in urban spaces, and, how does such a conservation regime, as we refer to it, affect the ways in which (more-than-human) spaces are constituted, planned, desig ned, and evolve in urban processes?
Using multiscaler mapping you will consider how Ber­lin based actors, power asymmetries, technologies, spaces, and conservation practices that entangled with international networks, NGO agencies and goals that together constitute, what we see as a changing conser­vation regime, a regime that aims to regulate nature­culture interactions with its roots in empire, colonia­lism and capitalism.

Supervision: Jamie Scott Baxter
When/Where: Tuesday 9-12AM | BH-N 230
For: MA Urban Design, BA Architecture (5th & 6th semester)
ISIS course:
Bild: Botanical Garden Berlin